Monday, May 7, 2012

I love making crafts~ I love photography~ Basically I am addicted to pictures and anything to do with them!  I desided to start making cute cheap props that really make pictures pop without empting your wallet!  This is my new little logo and my business will hopefully start taking off soon!  I am starting to learn the basics of photography too so I can promote my crafts successfully!  Fingers crossed!

What you leave behind

What is important to you?  Is it the money you make, the car you drive, or the people you love.  How do  you make your mark on those around you each day. Sometimes we take those for granted that mean the most thinking time is not precious!  If you could live like you were dying what would you do today?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

I can remember being young and my mother talking about how beautiful trees were.  I never saw the beauty.  I was always in such a rush to do the next thing at school, the mall with friends or watch the hottest new sitcom.  As I have got older and become a mom myself I find that the simplest things can hold such beauty.   How a rustly old bench can tell a story and be beautiful.  Growing older teaches me what is most important in life and how short it really it.  I challenge everyone to take one moment to take in the beauty of a sunset, flower, or sky today that you would usually over look in your daily rush!  Have a great evening!